Sunday, March 29, 2009

Isn't it Interesting?

Interesting that last night I had destiny on my mind and this morning, a devotional I subscribe to was posted with that focus. The pastor asked good questions...these are some of the same questions I ask people when I interview them for employment with our facility, and always have. I want to know what it is that attracts them to us, particularly now since the population we work with is so special. These are worthy of a good pondering:
1. What is your deepest desire?
2. What stirs your passion?
3. What naturally flows out of you?
4. Where do you get results?
5. What career or ministry do you feel the peace of God about pursuing?
6. What thoughts, visions, dreams are impossible to put out of your mind?
7. What goal or ambition can you dedicate yourself to 100% for the rest of your life?
8. What do people volunteer to help you accomplish?

Most interestingly, he entitled the devotional "What it Means to Be a Worshipper." I never thought about it in those terms even tho I am sure that somewhere in the past I have said that my life was my worship to God. It is...our life is our worship to God....we don't think about that too often. We have wrapped our concept of worship around an action we take when we are gathered in a public "service or meeting"... or maybe even that great alone time when we just let it all out with God. But we are really missing the boat if we think that He is unconcerned with our all day, every day comings and goings, our doings and our thoughts. We worship Him in the most dear way to His heart when we love His people and bless them with our lives. That, to me, is pure worship.

Sharoni voice to those with none...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thoughts and Reflections

Listening to "This Time" by John Legend brings this quote to mind:
"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
~Anais Nin~
It takes courage to be what God intended for us to be... a child who loves ... one who is not afraid to share His love with mankind. We have been blessed with four children and one grandchild. Our greatest joy is when they are settled in their lives in whatever venue, whatever activities and occupations they choose at different times in their in peace and feeling fulfilled in their tasks. But our hearts rejoice when we know they have a relationship with their Saviour and are willing to love those around them. What else matters when the sun sets and the day closes down? To have known love and grace and mercy.... to bloom ...
As the lights dim tonight ...

... giving voice to those with none ...

Hi and Hello and a little Howdy!

Well...isn't this just the bomb!! So, a new experiment in living. As I write, I'm listening to Missy Higgins' "Where I Stood"... a very neat song. And the phrase, "I don't who I am without you," speaks so clearly to me of my love relationship with Jesus. If you happen in on this little area of cyberspace, you will see and hear about this relationship with I hope you share, but if not, His love for you is not altered, just intensified. There is a phrase used in a book I read recently that I just loved....really loved, and I quote it now. Now Sharoni (that's me!), she is one of my children who "I'm particularly fond of." And you should know that God is "particularly fond of you too," whether you have ever thought of being fond of Him or not. It's a very amazing relationship you should check out, or check into, or whatever. In any case, you are very welcome here!
To start the ball rolling, the following is representative of my heart tonight and has been for quite a long time:
"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it."
~Anne De Lenclos~

Sharoni voice to those with none...