Tuesday, August 21, 2012


 I saw this quote on my google page this morning and thought about it a second.....well maybe two seconds, ok?  

"Yesterday's failures are today's seeds
that must be diligently planted to be
able to abundantly harvest
tomorrow's successes."
- Author Unknown 

So, I do not think I believe in failure.  I do believe that all experiences are moments to be treasured and grow and learn from.....not to consider triumph or defeat.  Should we compete with ourselves?  Should we compete with others?  What is the point of competition really?  Those who really like competition, who tout that it is "a healthy thing," that it makes us better...... huh uh.  Really??  Who are we kidding?  Ourselves mostly, and at the same time we are robbing ourselves of opportunities to enjoy other people, experiences, and ourselves as fully and completely as we should be.  
What purpose does competition serve but to allow us the opportunity to benefit from the perceived misfortune or loss of another precious human being?  Any argument to the contrary is only rationalization for behavior less than honorable.  

Should we then allow situations which seem to not resolve as we would have desired create a sense of failure or "less-than-ness" of our person?  I say .... nay.  
So I change the quote to better suit my philosophy of a happy, wholesome, and fulfilled life to:
                         "Yesterday's experiences are the seeds of opportunity that we 
                                   ought to plant to abundantly harvest tomorrow's blessings."  

Now that is an affirmation that I can really get behind and allow to guide me.  

And now....I am content!  :)

"You are a living magnet. What you
attract into your life is in harmony
with your dominant thoughts."
- Brian Tracy 

Alrighty then!! 

...giving voice to those with none.....

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Was wondering if I could even post this ever again…. It’s been a long time friend… the first time we initially moved to Houston You popped this idea in my heart, Jesus…. And I loved doing it! Now …. Here we are …. Back on the other end of Houston and loving it even more than we did before …. It truly has become “home” to us ….
    So, what does all this reminiscing have to do with my debate with myself over “failure” and “competition”?? Basically nothing except to say, I do believe in failure … but one can be destroyed by “it” OR one can grow and flourish through and because of “failure”…. Failure is in the eye of the beholder …. Personally my stand is that a closed door… a disappointing outcome…. Or a real blunder can lead to the greatest blessings of our lives!
    Now, competition …. Don’t care for it still, but no longer to “bash” anyone who loves it … some of us need that extra “umphf” to feel - oh I don’t know - that adrenaline rush that comes from “healthy” competition….. so now my statement of “oh lord may it never be” is amended to “whatever floats your boat unless it hurts someone else.” And that I will rest that conversation. Isn’t growing and learning a different way of viewing something just wonderful? Yeah …. It really is. And wouldn’t it be incredible if this blog would go public again? Maybe I’ll have the boyfriend (my husband of 37 years!) take a look-see and “git-er-done!” Ain’t life grand?!!!!😀❤️🎶
