Friday, January 22, 2010

An Urgent Kind of Love

"You cannot touch your neighbor's heart with anything less than your own."

Powerful statement, isn't it? "To 'love your neighbor as yourself' requires the same kind of love. It's a love that notices the need of another person and won't rest until it's been met. It's a gentle, tender love that thinks and acts carefully. It's the sacrificial and compassionate love that a nameless Samaritan had for a fallen traveler. It's the kind of love GOD wants to share with your neighbors through you."

This is my daily goal. It's what I hope to do every day in whatever way I can....a smile, a simple, "hello, how are you?", speaking a blessing, showing a kindness by paying for someone's lunch I don't know have never seen before & probably never will again. I actually missed out on that opportunity once and it haunts me to this day. I saw a young lady at a drive-up in front of me and it was taking a long time for her to pay. She tried one card after another, all returned to her in short order. My heart went out to her. I am still so disappointed in myself that I did not get out of my car and go up to pay for her! Haunting disappointments. But do we let that drag us down?'s a very simple and painful reminder to never let it happen again.
What did Jesus say? Oh yeah....."if you give a cup of water unto the least of these, you give it to Me." Yeah.....I won't let that pass me by again. My heart hurts at the memory. I've been that young woman in the car. The humiliation and helplessness you feel in those circumstances is, well, simply that.

For whatever His reasons, GOD has chosen to allow us to be the representatives of His love on this earth. That is a daunting task, for sure.
it's that simple!

Off to love some people today!

Sharoni voice to those with none....

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