Ever hear or - Gasp! - say the phrase...."well, all we can do is pray"?
Are you kidding me?!?!? All??? Tout??
The intercessor in me cringes at the thought of these words in combination. I know that I know that I know what intercession can and will do. It is only limited by our ability to utilize our access to the throne of the Almighty.
I know my GOD. I know Who He Is....I know What He Is....and I know His great love. He loves us....and all He wants is relationship with us. I know who I am in Him....an heiress....royalty....dearly loved by my Creator, Redeemer, and Friend. And I know that because of that love I have access to the Sovereign at all times. The royal scepter is extended toward me anytime I desire to be before Him. Anything that concerns me, concerns Him.
And here is the cool thing. I don't even have to "get" anywhere special to "do" anything unusual for intercession to occur.
When I am discussing a person, a situation, any concern I may have with something...anything, it becomes intercession for me. That is because Christ Jesus is always with me, standing, sitting, walking, beside me and is engaged in any conversation I may be having. When I speak a word, it is released to do its work, because I am that person, the intercessor. My unspoken prayers are never left lying inactive, because Holy Spirit takes them directly to the Throne Room. I don't have to gyrate, meditate, or integrate myself into any type of frenzy to have that access....I already have it! All the time. And there is no limit on how much or how little I have to say or not say for GOD to delegate action in a person's behalf. Because I know that I am speaking His heart over a situation if I have laid down my own personal feelings and preconceptions, and given it to His Holiness. As His royal daughter, it is my right and responsibility to carry concerns of the Kingdom to my Father, the King.
So....all I can ever do.....all I ever should do.....is take matters of state to the Head of State, and let Him do what is His will to do.
My sincere belief is that people who utter the heartwrenching words, "all we can do..." simply do not understand this. There is no judgement here, simply a deep desire that more of us would, "get it," and walk "in it."
Can you even imagine......Kingdom kids acting like the royal heirs that we are?? WOW!!
...giving voice to those with none...
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