Thursday, February 17, 2011

Watch What GOD Does

This morning I was reminded to
"Watch what GOD does and then you do it. Mostly what GOD does is love you. Keep company with Him and learn a life of love." Ephesians 5:1-2 The Message

A life of love, huh? My first thought was to say, well, what does that look like? But I already know the answer to that! I Corinthians 13 spells it out so nicely, and Jesus walked it out for us. He had compassion on people, He met their felt needs whatever they were, there was never judgement for the people ~ only for religious tyranny. His only gripe was with the perversion Jews had made of GOD's law, thereby hurting His people. Everything GOD does and says is motivated by love, because that is Who and What He is. So..... living a life of love? Well ..... it's simple .... or rather, simple to understand (sometimes challenging to do!) :)

LOVE is:
not envious
does not boast
not proud
not rude
not self-seeking
not easily angered
keeps no record of wrongs
does not delight in evil
always protects
rejoices with the truth
always trusts
always hopes
always perseveres
never fails

WOW! I never realized how much it does not do! What it is not is obviouly as important as what it is.

In "God Came Near," Max Lucado shares this poignant look at the sum of "Christianity" (the art of being like Christ / or the art of being a Christ-person or a Christ-follower)......
Are we literally what we see? Paul described the enemies of Christ thusly:
"Their god is their own appetite, they glory in their shame and this world is the limit of their horizon." Philippians 3:19
Oh what a horror!! 'augh!'

We were never meant to "dwell in the stale fog of the lowlands with no vision of our Creator .... "
"Seeing Jesus is what 'Christianity' is all about.
Christian service, in its purest form, is nothing more than imitating Him whom we see. To see His majesty and to imitate Him .... that is the sum of Christianity."


Tomorrow or the next day I'm excited to share a little more word study about what love is. Wha-hoo!!

This is just groovy stuff right here....oh yeah.....oh yeah....doin' the happy dance.....uh huh!

Sharoni voice to those with none....

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