Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here We Are Again..... we are a place I never really wanted to revisit, but like it or not, here we are. And this is really not about us....not about me at all, except that my heart is shattered into thousands of teeny tiny pieces for my new friend. To stand by again and watch as GOD works His wonders in the life of this family is an honor. It is easy to intercede for them, for Amy in particular, because I know what she is feeling and thinking as a mother and as a child of the King.
But to revisit all those emotions from when we walked this path with Alex in our own family is tough. It just is. Doesn't make it bad....doesn't make it good....just makes it what it emotional roller coaster. And that's okay. Because then at least we are feeling something.

But honestly, after all the tragedy we experienced the last few years we were in near death...the traumas and tragedies of my friends and coworkers, walking through all that grief with them for so long, I would be a liar if I said I wasn't ready for a big-time break from all that trauma. One can only stay that stressed for so long. But.....

And it's good. Because GOD's grace is exactly what we need in exactly the amount we need it and it sustains us from moment to moment.....from breath to breath. So, forgive me, Father for not throwing my arms wide open to embrace all these emotions again, but I do so with great love. Because I know You keep us in the cleft of that rock. Because I know You are Sovereign. Because I know Your unfailing love always, always provides exactly what I need exactly when I need it. I'm just bein' real super "Sally Spirituality"..... just real life Sharoni. Just as You made surprises there, huh?

Sharoni voice to those with none....

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